At Innovative Psychological Consultants (IPC) our psychologists and therapists are licensed and trained independent contractors. Each clinician is brought on for the specialized skills and expertise that they possess. At IPC we have a clinician that is capable of treating nearly every issue. Our clinicians provide a warm and caring environment where you can explore and grow. They will support you through the difficult times you are struggling with and provide you with the tools to overcome whatever obstacles you are facing.

We treat issues such as: Depression, Anxiety, Worry Grief and Loss, Relationship/Marital/Couples Counseling, Chronic Pain Issues, Stress Management, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), DBT Skills, Anger Management, LGBTQ, Abuse Issues, Autism Spectrum Disorders, EMDR, and Much More.

At your first appointment, your clinician will perform a thorough initial assessment to identify all the issues that you may be struggling with. Then they will discuss options for how to treat those problems. We are able to do therapy in the following ways: Individual Counseling, Child/Adolescent Counseling,  Couples Counseling, & Family Counseling. Innovative Psychological Consultants works with people from any race, religious sect, or sexual orientation in the following age categories: Children 5 and up, Adolescents, Adults, & Seniors (We have Several Medicare Providers).

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