Why Is Therapy Not Enough?

As a psychologist, I provide therapy to many clients who are able to get all their needs met in therapy alone. Many clients who seek out therapy have some reluctance or resistance to the idea of medication and working with a psychiatrist. They prefer to enhance their coping skills and gain insights into unresolved problems in hopes of getting closure on them or better ways to deal with them moving forward. Many clients find plenty of success doing just that through counseling and therapy. I have seen other clients who continue to struggle or who prefer to expedite their recovery as much as possible. These are instances when psychiatry may be a useful adjunct or a necessary component of their recovery.

Psychiatry as an Adjunct to Therapy

Many clients I see have waited longer than they should have to come in and start treating their depression, anxiety, or other issues. What may have been mild in the past has become moderate or even severe. I have seen many clients dig in and work through their issues but see that their progress is often slowed by some of their symptoms. Most people are able to get on board with the idea that the mind and the body have to work together. For many of my clients, they are struggling with a lot of physical symptoms such as poor sleep, low energy, poor concentration, muscle tension, and erratic moods. Consequently, their progress in therapy is slowed by these symptoms. They find it hard to get their head in the game and follow through with therapy homework. In many instances, a psychiatrist could provide medication, such as an antidepressant, that would help alleviate a lot of these physical symptoms rather quickly. This lends itself to coming into therapy more energized and focused which allows us to get more work done quickly. Many of these clients use psychiatric medication as an adjunctive tool to their recovery and intend to discontinue it in 6-18 months when they have resolved their issues. I have seen this work well for many clients and is definitely worth considering.

Psychiatry as a Necessity to Recovery

I have also worked with many clients who do excellent work in therapy, find the skills and insights they are seeking, show great improvement in symptoms and yet continue to struggle with their depression or anxiety. The reality for some people is that there can be a strong genetic basis for their issues or chemical imbalances that have little to do with therapy issues. I have seen some people who simply seem to run at a higher baseline of anxiety or depression even in the absence of any real issues to work on. I have seen some clients on the heels of therapy do a trial on medications and finally get the relief they are seeking. Correcting neurotransmitter levels of serotonin can sometimes only be accomplished with medications. For some there is a strong family history of depression or anxiety impacting a great many people in the family, which often speaks to a physiological basis to some people’s conditions. These are situations where working with a psychiatrist can be vital to the success you are seeking.

If you are interested in working with one of our psychiatrists or therapists, feel free to contact IPC so you can schedule an appointment.  Please call us now at 763-416-4167, or request an appointment on our website: WWW.IPC-MN.COM so we can sit down with you and complete a thorough assessment and help you develop a plan of action that will work for you. Life is too short to be unhappy. Find the peace of mind you deserve.

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